Keeping Patients Healthy

We are committed to keeping our patients healthy and continue to monitor the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation daily.  The safety of our patients has always been our number one priority.

Our staff has always kept and continue to keep our clinics clean and safe for all our patients and staff. We wipe down all surfaces, tools, and equipment between patients and sanitize the office regularly. The safety of our staff and patients is our number one concern. Needless to say, these efforts are redoubled at this time.

We are in contact will all local and national authorities to stay compliant and informed of local needs and follow all guidelines. These authorities include the Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, as well as local governments. In addition to providing the cleanest clinic possible, we encourage everyone to take a few simple steps to better avoid the spread of this virus, including:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water.
  • Avoid unnecessary contact with others.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth.
  • Cleaning all common surfaces including your phone/tablet regularly.

In addition, we encourage everyone to handle their own hearing aids and avoid others touching them as much as possible. Please reach out to us prior to using chemicals to wipe down your hearing aids. Some chemicals can actually damage your devices. Our offices are here to continue to provide the concierge level of care that you have come to expect from us; we can give your hearing aids a deep cleaning for you.

We are proud to serve you and the entire community with better hearing and look forward to continuing the work of helping to connect you to those you love. There has never been a more important time to be able to hear and connect to those around you.

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